Large pores can affect anyone and are usually hereditary. They tend to occur early in life and in most people will then disappear. However in some cases they remain and may appear to enlarge with age, as the skin becomes lax, making the pores look more open.
Large pores are most frequently found on the cheeks and nose and can leave the skin looking unpolished, unrefined and in more severe cases, unsightly. They can also lead to excessive congestion of the pores, which may result in blackheads or other skin problems developing.
Because large pores are a natural part of our skin structure, they are almost impossible to totally eliminate. However, with treatment they can be made substantially more refined, less noticeable and less bothersome over time. Treatment recommendations with may include facial peels, dermapen, and skincare.
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16 Abyssinia Close, Northcote Road, Clapham, London, SW11 1ER
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